What is Medicare Part D / Prescription Drug Plan?

Medicare Part D is also known as the Prescription Drug Plan. It is a requirement for every Medicare-eligible person to have a Prescription Drug Plan, which can be purchased through private carriers. You can purchase a standalone Part D plan in addition to Original Medicare, or purchase a Part C plan, also known as a…

How much is the Medicare late enrollment penalty?

For Part A, your monthly premium may go up 10%, and you have to pay a higher premium for twice the number of years you could have had Part A.   For Part B, you have to pay 10% increased premium as long as you have part B for each full 12 months you could…

Do I need anything else if I have Parts A and B?

Part A covers hospital insurance such as hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, short-term nursing home care, home health-care and hospice.   Part B covers medical services and supplies that are needed as necessary according to patient’s health condition such as doctor visits, outpatient care, preventive services, ambulatory services, and durable medical equipment.   Although…