The Medicare Blog

Exploring Medicare Coverage and Travel: Answers to Your Most Common Questions

Summer is the perfect time for seniors to embark on new adventures, whether exploring national parks across the U.S. or visiting exotic destinations abroad. As you plan your travels, understanding how your Medicare coverage works away from home is crucial. Here, we address the most frequently asked questions about Medicare and travel, ensuring you’re well-prepared

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Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness

As we journey through life, the health of our brain becomes increasingly important, especially for those of us who are Medicare beneficiaries. June marks Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias and emphasizing the importance of brain health. Understanding your Medicare coverage benefits is key to

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Introducing the New Medicare Payment Plan for Prescription Drugs

Get ready for a game-changer in managing your healthcare costs! Starting January 1, 2025, Medicare Part D is rolling out an exciting new program under the Inflation Reduction Act. The Medicare Prescription Payment Plan will revolutionize how you pay for your prescription drugs by allowing you to spread out your out-of-pocket costs over the year.

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