Prescription Drug Plans

Part D

Medicare Parts A & B don’t cover your prescription needs. Some, but not all, Medicare Advantage plans will come with drug coverage. It’s best to consider all your options before you choose. 

Our agents can provide you with a no-obligation Medicare analysis so you can see all your options and make an informed decision. 

Medicare Part D is also known as a Prescription Drug Plan. It is a requirement for every Medicare-eligible person to have a Prescription Drug Plan, which can be purchased through private carriers. You can purchase a standalone Part D plan in addition to Original Medicare, or purchase a Part C plan, also known as a Medicare Advantage Plan, which could include a Part D Plan.

What’s Good to Know:

  • You may have to pay a late enrollment penalty if you decide not to join a Medicare drug plan when you’re first eligible AND you don’t have other creditable prescription drug coverage, OR if you don’t get Extra Help.
  • Some plans restrict you to doctors, specialists, and pharmacies within the plan network.
  • Most plans also include vision and dental benefits.

When considering a Part D plan, you should consider your total out-of-pocket expenses, not just the premiums. You must also consider the drug tiers and choose a plan that will cover any ongoing prescriptions you have. 

Our representatives at Trusted Medicare Answers can help make sure you are getting the right plan for your specific situation. Contact us today for a free Part D analysis.

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– compare the cost of plans

– review current benefits

– get help with enrollment

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