Does Medicare Have Dental, Vision, and Hearing Benefits?

Dental vision hearing Medicare

While Original Medicare covers a lot of services, it usually won’t cover routine dental, vision, and hearing care. Unfortunately, many beneficiaries are surprised to find this out and often ignore their health needs in favor of saving the out-of-pocket expenses. Don’t ignore your health any longer. There are options available to you, such as a Medicare Advantage Plan or supplemental dental, vision, and hearing plans.

What is Covered Under a Medicare Advantage Plan?

Dental Coverage:

Those who opt for Original Medicare won’t usually have dental coverage. That means no Medicare coverage for:

  • Routine cleanings
  • Fillings
  • Dentures
  • Extractions

If you choose a Medicare Advantage plan, you will likely have coverage for:

  • Routine dental exams
  • Dental x-rays
  • Routine teeth cleanings
  • Fillings
  • Tooth extractions
  • Root canals
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Dentures
  • Dental implants
  • Bridges
  • Crowns

Vision Coverage

Medicare offers limited vision care. The following are not covered by Medicare:

  • Routine eye exams
  • Fitting exams
  • Contact lenses
  • Eyeglasses

Medicare Advantage vision coverage includes:

  • Routine eye exam
  • Preventive exams
  • Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  • Upgraded frames

Hearing Coverage:

The following are not covered under Original Medicare, but are usually covered by an Advantage Plan:

  • Routine hearing exams
  • Hearing aids

Though, if your doctor orders a diagnostic test, you’ll pay for 20% of the procedure as well as a deductible.

What is the Cost of a Medicare Advantage Plan?

Medicare Advantage premiums monthly premium can range from $0 to as high as $300.00. The average Medicare Advantage cost is $28 per month. It is best to talk to an agent to see what plan best suits you.

What Does a Dental, Vision, & Hearing Plan Cover?

If you are on Original Medicare and are not interested in switching to a Medicare Advantage plan, we recommend adding on a DVH package for a low cost.

Dental benefits:

  • Routine dental cleanings
  • Deep root cleanings
  • Cavity fillings and root canals
  • Bridges, crowns and denture

Vision benefits:

  • Routine eye exams
  • Glasses
  • Contact lenses

Hearing benefits:

  • Hearing exam
  • Hearing aids
What is the Cost of a DVH Plan?
  • Monthly premiums can start as low as $31
  • The policy year maximum benefit is $1,000 or $1,500
  • The policy year deductible is $100

When considering healthcare plans it is always recommended you talk to an experienced agent about your options. They could help you find more benefits, save more money, or both!  


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