Scams and Coronavirus-Medicare Alert

COVID-19 Medicare Scams

During these difficult times it can be hard to realize who one can or can’t trust. So many questions are constantly running through our mind about what precautions to take with COVID-19. One of these including health care coverage and medicare related to the virus. We understand that older Americans are specifically more vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19), and should be reminded to be cautious of healthcare fraud/ scam occurring during this pandemic.

Unfortunately, scammers are currently offering COVID-19 tests to Medicare beneficiaries in exchange for personal details as well as Medicare information. They are doing so through: telemarketing calls, text messages, door-to-door visits, and social media platforms. The information used can be then used for medical identity theft and fraudulently bill Federal health care programs that would then have to be repaid by the original owner. We want to make sure you know how to avoid these problems as we always want you to feel safe .

Be aware of:

  • Phone calls asking to “verify” Medicare numbers
  • Phone calls to sell you a product
  • Phone calls to enroll in a Medicare program from a phone number you’ve never received
  • Offer exchanges for your Medicare number

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Be prepared for suspicious calls or visitors offering COVID-19 supplies or tests by avoiding giving any personal information.
  • Do not open or respond to links sent through text message regarding COVID-19 from unknown numbers.
  • Ignore advertisements on social media platforms for COVID-19 testing.
  • Always talk to physician or trusted healthcare provider when looking for steps for COVID-19 testing.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited requests for personal Medicare information.
  • If you are suspicious of fraud, contact National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline (866) 720-5721 or

The social security administration has removed social security numbers since last year due to reducing fraud and protecting clients from identity theft. These scammers are using the corona-virus to benefit their selves and put others in danger. Make sure you are extra cautious and staying up to date with the news.

We understand this is an issue we didn’t want to consider. However, we want to make sure everyone is aware and we need your help by spreading the word to family, friends, and neighbors. We want to make sure everyone is healthy and safe, make sure to follow precautions of the government, as well as health guidelines and do your part to end this pandemic.


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