When do my Medicare benefits start?

    • IEP: If you sign up for Part A and/or Part B, your coverage starts as noted below:

If you sign up for Part A and/or Part B this month: Your coverage starts:
The first 3 months prior to turning 65 The month you turned 65*
The month you turn 65 1 month after you sign up
1 month after you turn 65 2 months after you sign up
2 months after you turn 65 3 months after you sign up
3 months after you turn 65 3 months after you sign up

* If your birthday is the first day of the month, your coverage start date will be the month prior to you turning 65.

    • GEP: This period is only for those who don’t have Parts A and/or B. You can apply for coverage on January 1 – March 31 every year. Coverage will begin July 1st.


  • SEP: You can enroll in Original Medicare during an SEP, as long as you or your spouse are under creditable group health plan benefits through an employer or union. Your coverage will be effective the month after Social Security gets your completed request.
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