How Much Does Medicare Cost?

How Much Does Medicare Cost

While there are ways to get help paying for it, Medicare health insurance is not free. Learn more about the costs for standard Medicare premiums, copays and coinsurance amounts for each part of original Medicare.

What is the Medicare Part D Donut Hole?

The Medicare Part D Donut Hole

If you get prescription medications through Medicare Part D, you might enter a coverage gap known as the Part D “Donut Hole” that could result in higher drug costs for you.

Does Medicare Cover Eyeglasses?

Does Medicare Cover Eyeglasses

Original Medicare does not include routine vision care, which means it generally will not pay for eyeglasses, contact lenses, or eye exams. Read to find out more about Medicare coverage for vision care.

Ways to Save on Medicare Costs

senior couple holding money smiling

One of the best ways to save on Medicare costs if you are enrolled in a Medicare Supplement, Part D, or Medicare Advantage plan is to do a careful review of your Medicare coverage every year.

6 Things To Do To Cut Your Medicare Advantage Plan Costs

Cutting Medicare Advantage Plan Costs, TMA Blog

Managing Medicare Advantage  Medicare can get a bit pricey at times when you factor in all your deductibles, premiums, co-pays and services specific to your health. Some of you might prefer to sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan. This plan offers a privatized alternative to Original Medicare and requires that you see certain doctors…

All You Need to Know About the Income Limit for Extra Help for Medicare

Extra Help and Medicare

At some point or other, everyone is going to need Medicare. By the time you hit 65, it’s expected of you that you have looked through the various plans offered and begin the sign up process to get you covered federally. These plans try to optimize affordability and accessibility to get you the best coverage…