Finding physicians and clinicians to give you the proper care can be really difficult. Are they covered by your Medicare plan? Are they close enough to your house that you don’t have to worry about a long commute? Are they specialized in a particular area of care you need? Lucky for you, you can use the Medicare “physician compare” tool that allows you to find local doctors within a matter of seconds.
How do you use it?
Well, let’s start at the beginning so we don’t get ahead of ourselves. Type the URL “” into the search bar at the top of your screen. From their homepage, find the icon of the binocular that says, “search all providers and facilities.”

In the bulleted list, find the item saying, “doctors & other health professionals.”

Congrats, you’ve arrived at the Medicare Physician Compare Tool! From here, navigation to find your local physicians is pretty self-explanatory. The main area of focus is the center of the main screen saying “Find Medicare physicians & other clinicians” where underneath you have the opportunity to input your location and then a specific doctor’s name, body condition, or specialty.

If we type in our location, along with “glaucoma,” we see the results of doctors nearby. Their profiles even include an indication as to what coverage they offer, meaning there’s little to no question whether or not these providers are covered by your insurance or not.
There are several other information options further down the page, including a video that shows you exactly how to utilize this service alongside patient testimonials and resources.
Thanks to the Medicare “physician compare” tool, finding the right doctor for you and your Medicare coverage is a total breeze. Contact a licensed representative today if you have any further questions on how to navigate this website or about your coverage with certain plans.